Ethics Policy

At SouthernGospelTimes, we’re dedicated to providing fair and honest content of the highest quality. The fundamental values that guide our proofreading processes and uphold the confidence of our audience are outlined in our ethical policy.

Accuracy and Transparency:

  1. Verification of Sources: Our team carefully checks the sources’ legitimacy and dependability before publishing any material. In our assessments and analyses, we make clear the difference between opinion and reality.
  2. Corroboration of Facts: We make an effort to verify the facts and claims using original sources, official statements, reliable news sources, research studies, and other reliable information sources. Claims that are clearly marked as speculative or that are left out cannot be supported by credible evidence.
  3. Attribution and Transparency: Whenever possible, we include clear citations or links to the original source of any information we use, enabling readers to independently confirm the accuracy of our declarations. Any possible conflicts of interest are disclosed, including sponsored content and relationships with studios or filmmakers.
  4. Expert Consultation: To guarantee the authenticity and completeness of our information, we communicate with professionals in the appropriate field or subject matter experts when specific knowledge or expertise is needed.
  5. Correction of Errors: Sometimes mistakes happen, even with our greatest efforts. When this happens, we quickly address any errors or false information that is brought to our attention. A clear description of the issue and the corrective action taken is included with every correction, which is also prominently displayed.

Reader Engagement:

We invite readers to actively interact with our material and to point out any errors or disagreements with comments, edits, or other information. Your feedback enables us to continuously enhance the caliber of our content while preserving the integrity of our platform.

Responsible Reporting:

Our approach to delicate subjects is careful. We respect people’s privacy and stay away from anything that encourages hatred or hurts other individuals.

Plagiarism and Originality:

Unless we specifically state otherwise, everything you see on SouthernGospelTimes is our own work. We take the use of outside sources seriously and make sure to properly credit them.

Correction Policy:

Please email us at if you think any material on SouthernGospelTimes is misleading or inaccurate. We take any reports of errors seriously and will look into them right away to make sure our content is reliable and accurate going forward.

  1. Fixing Small Mistakes: Usually, the error will be fixed right in the article. At the conclusion, we’ll include a brief explanation that details the issue and when it was fixed.
  2. Fixing Big Mistakes: If there are major mistakes that alter the plot, we may provide a special editor’s note at the outset to draw attention to the fix.
  3. In the Worst Case: Very rarely, an article may need to be totally removed if it is proven to be false or misleading. We’ll put up a note to explain why it was taken down in its place.

The corrected information will be clearly marked with a note like “Updated: [date]” to show when the change was made.

Commitment to Evolving:

  • We understand that we must always strive to improve our ethical practices.
  • We’ll keep you updated on industry norms and best practices in the field of cinema journalism.
  • We value your input so that we can keep up with the highest moral standards.

By adhering to these moral guidelines, SouthernGospelTimes hopes to establish itself as a reliable information source and an important asset to the film industry.